SEND (special educational needs and disabilities)

6CEEAD3F-D1A8-4D7F-9D5F-6FE1D41FC716Sam Beal (SENCo)

CD9242A8-C75F-4C24-A8F3-329648F6C499_4_5005_cChloe Warren (Deputy SENCo)


I’m Sam Beal and I am the special educational needs and disability coordinator (SENCo) at Compton Pre-school. My role is to oversee and coordinate any extra help that is needed by children at our setting, however large or small. My deputy is Chloe Warren and we are on hand at all times to answer your questions, listen to any concerns about your child’s progress, offer support and reassurance and help you to find information about anything that is important to you. Please feel free to speak to us, your child’s key worker or any member of staff.

If you would like to email me, you can do so at

A link to our SEND policy can be found below:


At Compton Pre-school and across Plymouth we follow something called the Graduated Approach to Inclusion (GATI). This is a guide which ensures that we are meeting the needs of a child with SEN in partnership with parents. If you would like to see what this entails, a link to the GATI can be found here:

Graduated_Approach_to_Inclusion_-_Assess_(Part_1) (1)


Here are a few places that are also worth checking out if you would like any information or advice:

Plymouth Online Directory (POD). This has information on services offered by Plymouth city council, including those relating to SEND. Look at the LOCAL OFFER to see these in one place.

If you would like to talk to a Plymouth City Council professional about any concerns you have about your child, you can contact MASH. Tel. 668000


Livewell Southwest includes services such as Speech and Language therapy.

Sweetpeas children’s centre has a range of advice on parenting and offers activities for you and your child. Tel. 788992

Plymouth Parent Carer Voice is an independent volunteer group that offers advice and information to SEND families.

Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) also has lots of information and advice for SEND.

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) information can be found here:

Friends and Families of Special Children is another Plymouth based group with lots of opportunities for disabled children and their carers.

ICan is an organisation which aims to foster communication skills in children. They have an app which parents can download which provides tips and advice for encouraging communication skills in children from birth-5. The link is:


Chat Health is a Health Visiting and School Nursing text service. Parents, carers and young people, if you’d like some health advice or support, but are a bit worried about seeing or talking to a professional  Chat Health is perfect for you! Simply text one of the numbers below and one their team with text you back. 0-5 Parents Service: 07480 35188, 5-19 years Parents Service: 0748035189, 11-19 years Young People’s Service: 07480 635198